Saturday 26 December 2015


You will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each of the following aspects:

  1. The success of the title sequence as a whole  
  1. does the order of shots make sense? Answer: The order of the shots do make sense as it shows the guy who is portrayed as the main character is very impatient in the beginning in his office, eager to get out. He then enters an elevator to show that he is on his way to some place that he has impatiently been waiting to go. After the elevator shot he at a fast pace walks to the under croft and then makes a phone call. After the phone call shot he gets dragged. These shots make sense as they all build up the the last moment of where the character gets taken by the person he was nervous yet eager to meet. The signs the character shows ( nervous behaviour ) make sense as they add up to the theme of being in some sort of trouble. These shots make sense as they build up tension to the main shot.
  1. Is the order the same as how you planned it? Answer: The order of the shots are directly the same as the order which was planned in the final story board. They are all in the same order and followed in each stage, however in the rough cut the last scene is not shown. The last scene is where there is a panning of the main characters body on the ground from foot to head and then  the character is shown to be dragged across the ground.
  1. The quality of the camera work Answer: The quality of the camera work is good as it is held still and in a prominent position however it could be improved as in some shots (such as the office shot) the camera is at a left tilt which makes the camera work look unprofessional. Overall the quality is good and thought through as different affects are used. For example when the main character was waiting in the under croft, an affect was used which symbolised that the character had been waiting in the under croft for some time. This affect was two different shots but of the character in the same place, look distressed and worried as if he had been waiting for some time.
  1. The variety of shot types used Answer: The different shot types which were used in this opening title sequence were: Extreme close up ( of the family picture to show the importance and significance of the moment where the main character looked at the picture), the extreme close up of the laptop, where the character was transferring and downloading some files ( this emphasised and made it clear to the viewers that the main cause had to do with these files which were being loaded onto the USB), Over the shoulder shot, to show the significance of what was in front of the character ( the files on the laptop and the USB), Medium shot was used when the main character was entering the elevator, then a panning shot from feet to face, Medium long shot whilst leaving the elevator, Long shot of the character walking to his destination ( the long shot showed the character in its surroundings so that the audience have an understanding of where the character is going).
  1. The use of lighting Answer: The use of lighting was good as there wasn't a seen which lacked in lighting which couldn't define what was going on in the scene. In order to enhance lighting I had carried a lighting equipment that had enhanced the use of light in the office scene, this lighting was used as it created a normal day to day office affect.
  1. The performance of the characters Answer: The performance of the main character was very successful and professional. The character was told to play the role of a important man, and the suit which the character was wearing emphasised his importance and significance of his role. The character was also told to play the role of a worried man, these worried signs were shown in the scene by this character as he was sighing and making worried and nervous facial expressions through all the shots.

  1. The use of mise-en-scene with locations, setting, props and costumes  Answer: The use of Mise-En-Scene was very good and successful as we were lucky enough to find the locations easily of which that we needed in the opening scene title. The first location which was shown was in the Office, we had transformed a small room into an office that looked like a normal day to day type of office. The second location was the elevator, the third was the under croft, we managed to find an under croft within the location of the college and it did not have to be transformed as it naturally matched what we intended to have in the scene. The props that we had were the ones inside the office for example the desk, chair, laptop, suitcase and the USB, these were easy to get hold of and if any of them broke they were easy to replace. The costume which we used was the suit that the character was wearing, this was his own suit and was what we needed to emphasise his importance and his occupation.