Wednesday 30 September 2015

Post 2

Prelim film Evaluation

As part of this Media course I took part in creating a prelim film exploring I and my previous groups knowledge of techniques about film shots. This process of creation went extremely well overall.

When planning the film, one of the successful decisions that I and my group made is the decision that we would make the content about something we can all identify with, so the film making and editing can be more enjoyable for everyone. The play in the end was called 'the chicken shop, the police man and the student'. It was comedic and real for us to make. The planning brought each and everyone of our members group together, it took commitment, understanding and dedication for us to agree and incorporate all the different idea's 'we had laid out on the table'. Our proof of this is the product of the script and well thought out story line before filming.

When filming, we found that our group had weaknesses. One of which was getting the angles correct for our match cut when the police officer was walking through the door. This really took patience as we were not used to the constant, frequent takes on the scenes that were scripted. Just to get our clips closer to perfection, we persisted on in repeating shots for different scenes. This was just one of the trials that we benefited from after a while. Another difficulty we faced as group was filming a conversation between three students in the chicken shop. We found this a bit difficult because we had to use the 180 degree rule in order for the sequence of the speech by the characters to make sense, in the end we found this technique to be useful.

When editing, the process was partly challenging as adapting to the software that we had to use was a bit difficult at first. Placing different takes to form a match cut was a personal difficulty that I had to face. The process was difficult because you had to match about three takes that would flow simultaneously but in the end I made progress. Another challenge was the selecting which order to place the clips, all though it was obvious according to our script where scenes were to take place. I and the group soon found that changing around certain takes creates new and sometimes better and deeper meaning. As a result we had to adapt our script according to the new order that our film followed.

Personally, as mentioned before I learnt to develop a range of skills such as; communication, patience, commitment, perseverance, sympathy and consideration ect. I do believe that the quality of the final product of the film reflects on how hard we worked as a group. As an individual I feel as if my ideas were incorporated and displayed successfully throughout the film.

In terms of aspects of the film that went well I believe that the introduction of the characters was exceptional as it was clear as to who they were and their intention. Also, I believe that the editing was successful as the film flows coherently. However, if I was to improve anything it would be the setting. This would be a change I would make as we could have made it more clearer. In addition another aspect would be the addition of costumes to the characters just to emphasise the clarity of the characters.

Conclusively, I have learnt that the process of this project takes hard work and determination and the achievement of completion results to pride in your work, which I am confident that I and my fellow members have already experienced. When planning my big production in the near future of this course I will consider;

When planning
  • All the members agree on the concept of the film
  • That the script incorporates at least one of the ideas of each members
  • That meaning is coherent throughout the script
  • Adapt plans on script if greater meaning is created during filming or editing
When filming
  • Every scene is filmed to the best of our abilities
  • Takes are filmed as accurate as possible so its easier for techniques when editing
  • Stick as near to the script as possible
When editing
  • Use the software to create a successful coherent film
  • Create a simultaneous flow when using techniques
  • Try to stick to the script in terms of scene however, if greater meaning can be made when editing the do so
Thanks for reading,

Khairna Boulyn.

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