Wednesday 30 September 2015

Post 5

Kyle Cooper is a director and designer of film title sequences. He is famous for the creation of the title sequence of Spider man and Superman Returns.

"A great title sequence sets an expectation, you're in the theatre and you see the sequence, you forget about everything else and you don't want to be anywhere else but here in this moment and it gets you excited".

Later he further explains the comment as he suggests that creating a title sequence has to set the tone and impression for the rest of the film. In my own words he is suggesting that the pieces of the puzzle has to match. One piece being the title sequence and the other is the films 'body'. In summary of my explanation he says, 'the thought of the title sequence shouldn't be an after thought, it should be integrated".

"I like the handmade things there's something really imperfect about it". From this I believe that he implying simple is better". For example, when making a title sequence he often focuses on one thing that is the characters obsession. In to kill a mockingbird he focused on scouts obsession which was the treasure box.

To conclude, Kyle cooper creates great title sequences from simple everyday things but shoots and animated around these items to create a deeper meaning. How deep the meaning ? Can only be answered by the content of the film or genre. As a result of this he always sets the standard for the rest of the film by sharing clues with the audience to keep the locked and interested not just for the sequence itself but for the rest of the film.

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