Monday 25 January 2016

Evaluation Question 6

What did we learn about the technology used                     during the construction of
                         the media product ?

One example of a media product that we learnt to use was a JVC digital camera. This camera, we used to film all the footage for our media product. It was a useful tool to film with as it was easy to transport , easy to film with and compatible with all other equipment we used to help make our film as best as it can be. 

When using the camera we kept on the boom operator to improve quality and gain realism of the surrounding sounds. 

We furthered the convey of realism in our product even more when using focus.

Another example of a media product that we learnt to use was premiere pro. This we used to piece together our entire media product.


Premiere pro allows us to create linear clips next to each other in to create our film. During using this software we learnt  the simple to cut and paste, we used this to create techniques such as match cuts. Other complex things we learnt to do was to aligning clips so it is viewed at a shorter of faster paste. This took concentration and resulted into many errors. But with many practises it became easier. One last thing that we used premiere pro for is to edit in blanked screened that we created on After effects. This involved displacing and cutting out clips put together originally.  

One last piece of software my group used for our  media product  was after effects. We used this resource in order to create titles for our film. This allowed us to create our 'challenged format' for our conventional thriller of having a title on a blank screen. In addition we used  a rotation effect to help replicate the activity of a loaded bar that was apart of the title sequence. As well a using this effect for symbolism. We used this effect as it would grab the audiences attention.
On the left is an example of how we used to the software 'after effects' for our film.
Overall, the technologies that we used during the production of our film turned out to be a good choice.

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