Sunday 17 January 2016

task 26- Who is your target audience?

Who is your target audience? Ask your target audience which of your groups ideas do they prefer and how it will appeal to them- post evidence of what they say.

Task 1:
Which genres were most popular with the UK audiences and my own audience research?
Answer- Action

Which genre would I like to work in?
Answer- I would most like to work in comedy. Comedy is my favourite genre because it brings instant laughter to the audience and the best thing about comedy is that in most case the audience doesn't have to be of a specific age range other than 15+ (due to explicit scenes and language). This means that people of all age ranges enjoy the comedy and get laughter out of it. This shows that comedy movies have an impact on everyone's mood regardless of age. Whereas for example if an audience movie were to watch a horror movie, the younger audience would be more scared whereas the older aged audience wouldn't be as scared because they already know what is expected of a horror movie, they can detect when there will be a pop up or a scare scene, based on the sounds that they hear.

Which audience prefer this genre?-Age, gender, class and geographical knowledge?
Answer- The audience who take up most of the proportion for audience for comedy movies are those of the most common age range which is 15-24.
Males are more likely to watch comedy films according to BFI statistics. On the average females 15-24's cell counts are 142 whereas for the male audiences who are 15-24, it is 134.

What else do I know about thiseople and what they want to see in a film?
Answer- The main age ranged comedy audience (15-24) are young and looking for fun,laughter and adrenaline, they're still most likely to be in education or work, so they need comedy to fulfil their need for fun, laughter or adrenaline. They expect to be entertained in their getaway from stressful work and education, therefore they most likely are the audience to turn to comedy than any other age because comedy is the opposite reflection of their stressful work and education life.
What this audience would look for in a comedy movie is a happy positive ending, many jokes and the typical two characters ('dumb one and clever one').

What might I have in my film that will appeal to them?
Answer- If I were to make a comedy film, In order to appeal to my main audience (15-24) I would include the two key characters ('The dumb one and the clever one'), This is because having these two key characters gives the movie a more interesting plot as the audience already have a sense to what to expect of the 'dumb one' and the 'clever one'. They already know that the 'dumb one' is going to make something go wrong and the 'clever one' will have to help the 'dumb one' out of the situation he got them both into.

Who could my target or core audience be, based on this research? In terms of gender, age, class, ethnicity and lifestyle?
Answer- Based on my research my target audience could female or most likely males who are between the ages of 15-24; who live the lifestyle of a busy day to day life for example still in education or work.

Who could my wider audience be? How could I know this?
Answer- This specific type of audience is anything above the age range of 15-24. For example 25+, this could be anyone from 25-74 (74 is the oldest audience age based on an average).

Task 2
Task 3
yet to complete (need to complete 2 and 3 to complete blog post 27)

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