Friday 13 November 2015

The Pitch-Risk assessment (Task 13) Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood Risk Assessment

Identify any risks that you  may come across when  filming at, and travelling to your locations with some possible solutions to prevent the risks.

- On the way to the location the camera can slip out of the hand and smash on to the ground. In order to prevent the camera from slipping out of the hand, the person who is holding the camera will need to hold it with a tight grip. This will be need to be done through out the whole process of holding the camera. The risk of this is very high(5).

- Also it would be more secure for the safety of the camera if the person holding the camera is not holding more than one thing in their hand other than the camera only, otherwise there is a very high risk of the camera slipping out of the hand and smashing causing the camera to break. The likely hood of this incident is (5).

- On the way to the location there is a likely hood of being a rush in the hallway and in the staircase. There will be many people crowding arround the camera which could cause the camera to drop and break. The likely hood of this is (4). In order to prevent this incident from occuring the camera crew will have to travel with the camera through the hallway and staircases only when all the students are in lesson, or when there is not a rush hour.

-  Whilst recording the person recording needs to make sure to keep distance from by passers otherwise the people passing by are likely (3), to bump into the camera person who is filming, this will cause the person filming to injure their head onto the camera and hurt their eye or face. In order to prevent this from happening, the person filming should keep their distance (2 feet) away from everyone else around them. This will decrease the likely hood of the person filming to make any body contact with people around.

Thursday 12 November 2015

The pitch - Task 12 by Khain

Production schedule:
Planning: Deadline November 20th
 October 26th
November 2nd
November 5th
November 16th
November 17th
November 19th
Filming/Production: Deadline 22nd January
November 19th
November 23rd
November 26th
November 30th
December 3rd
December 10th
December 14th
December 17th
January 14th
January 21st

Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Pitch: Cinematic details- Full story board ( Task 11) Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood  Full story board

(pictures of story board yet to  be uploaded)
This is the rough plan

 This is the original plan put onto the story board

Post 10 (The Pitch) - By Khairna Boulyn

Post 9 (The Pitch) - By Khairna Boulyn

Post 8 (The Pitch) - By Khairna Boulyn

The Pitch-Risk assessment (Task 13) Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood Risk Assessment

Identify any risks that you  may come across when  filming at, and travelling to your locations with some possible solutions to prevent the risks.

- On the way to the location the camera can slip out of the hand and smash on to the ground. In order to prevent the camera from slipping out of the hand, the person who is holding the camera will need to hold it with a tight grip. This will be need to be done through out the whole process of holding the camera. The risk of this is very high(5).

- Also it would be more secure for the safety of the camera if the person holding the camera is not holding more than one thing in their hand other than the camera only, otherwise there is a very high risk of the camera slipping out of the hand and smashing causing the camera to break. The likely hood of this incident is (5).

- On the way to the location there is a likely hood of being a rush in the hallway and in the staircase. There will be many people crowding arround the camera which could cause the camera to drop and break. The likely hood of this is (4). In order to prevent this incident from occuring the camera crew will have to travel with the camera through the hallway and staircases only when all the students are in lesson, or when there is not a rush hour.

-  Whilst recording the person recording needs to make sure to keep distance from by passers otherwise the people passing by are likely (3), to bump into the camera person who is filming, this will cause the person filming to injure their head onto the camera and hurt their eye or face. In order to prevent this from happening, the person filming should keep their distance (2 feet) away from everyone else around them. This will decrease the likely hood of the person filming to make any body contact with people around.

Task 33

Brand the blog:

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Mise-en-scene(Task 7) -Adriana Da Silva

We have decided to have our location in the Undercroft because once it is late in the afternoon it becomes quite dim,creating a spooky and tense atmosphere. The messiness created makes it perfect for the kill because it appears disturbed ,a place where a banker doesn't fit into at all. 

The pitch(Task 6)-Adriana Da Silva

Monday 9 November 2015

The pitch - Institutional detail (task 5) By Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood Institutional Detail

-Will your film be a mainstream or independent production?
The film will be a mainstream production as it comes under the traditional category of a thriller  genre, where there's a psycho path who is  on the look for revenge by killing and torturing its enemy.

-Who will distribute your film?
The company which we are assigned with will be distributing our film.

-What other distribution companies is yours similar to?
Other companies which are similar to ours are the ones which distribute in the thriller categories.

-Name some films  they have distributed that are like  yours ( if you were to make a full feature)  and indicate how this makes your company a good choice.
New Line Cinema: New Line Cinema is a distributer like mine and the types of films that the New Line Cinema has released are films such as The Butterfly Effect and the film Se7en. These  films are similar to my production as they meet the psychological thriller and fit into that categories genre of meeting the needs of what is traditionally expected. This makes my company a good  choice as it's amore developed version of the usual distributor for  example my company distributes films which don't give away too much at first, it makes you mysterious and wondrous to what the audience will expect to see. For example  our film will start off in a everyday situation and usually thriller movies give away the feel of thriller from the start which means they will have to  keep building up more. Whereas our movie builds up slowly and brings in the audience to realize that they are no longer watching a film which they thought was based on a everyday situation.

-How would  the ownership affect the type of  titles and credits you have?
The ownership will affect the types of titles and credits that we have by deciding which category the titles will be based on for example they will have a thriller theme and will be in the colours associated with thriller. Also the names and in title sequence will be associated with credits who are known for the release of successful  thriller movies.

Pitch task 4- Adriana Da Silva


  The characters we have chosen to include or make reference to in our title sequence is 

  • A black male(an everyday banker)
  • Psychopath skilled in crime(in the outline of the whole film evidence of him being skilled would be shown for example, breaking into his home,workplace,hotel rooms all of which would be high security protected.
The social group presented would the banker who's part of the middle class,wealthy and well educated. A banker has a variety of stereotypes which surrounds them depending on what type of banker they are and other people's encounters with them. The character of the banker in our title sequence will be calm and portrayed as a victim of a 'dangerous game'.

Task 32

Which institution/stdio will distribute your film? Black Bear films

Black Bear films have produced numerous other films such as :
Knock Knock
Genre - Horror, Mystery and Thriller
 The imitation game - Drama and Thriller
 Broken City - Crime, Drama and Thriller

We also created an production ident ourselves:

post 24 Aysha Mahmood

Individual idea / outline for a title sequence- Say which genre you will create / initial plot or story line ideas/ key character 'types'/ social groups that you might introduce.

For my own title sequence idea I would choose in creating a title sequence with the genre of 'High school' this is because there's a larger audience that can relate with high school for example teenagers themselves and the wider audiences which of those who were once teenagers, and would enjoy watching something that takes them back to their childhood, as they begin to develop memories through out the movie. Also high school movies are generally fun and exciting to watch as they consist of the stereotypical nature for example; the football team the cheerleaders the nerds and those who are seen as 'neutral' ,who don't ft into any specific category. It will be a good idea for me to do a high school movie title sequence as the audience will expect certain features from the movie. This makes it easier for me because I straight away know what the audience expects from the movie. Features which consist of the stereotypical characters (the nerds, football players,the cheerleaders, the bullies and the unpopular ones).

The initial plot-  
The initial plot will be a high school with all the different types of groups that a stereotypical high school movie always consists of. The movie will be about a girl who is trying to figure out which group she belongs in because she feels left out and distanced from everyone else, she is new to the high school and wants to know who to make friends with but she's confused so she goes through all of the different types of groups to see which suits her the best.
The title sequence will start off with the main character (the girl new to the high school) walking into the entrance of the high school whilst holding her books and a backpack. She walks in looking a little nervous but is still brave enough to take a deep breath preparing herself for what is yet to come ( the selection of which group suits her the best). She then walks through the hallway and as she is walking through the hallway the titles are showing up on the screen and on each side of her a different group is shown, for example the main character is still walking and on her left is the cheerleader squad and to her right are the nerds, as she walks along the football team is shown and then the unpopular ones. Then she reaches her destination which is the classroom and the teacher tells the main character to stand up and face the class as she introduces her to the various groups. Then as the character is about to tell the class about herself, the title sequence finishes and the movie carries on.

Key character types-
The key character types are the Cheerleaders, the nerds, the football players and the unpopular ones.
First the main character, she will go to the cheerleader squad and realise she doesn't fit in with them because they're too outgoing and excited all the time and judgemental. She then goes to the football team and doesn't work out with them because they're too rough. This process goes on through all the groups until she finds the ones who she fits in with.

Blogging health check 2

Health check 2:

- In my future blog posts I shall use more visual formats more often such as Emaze and Prezi.
- To provide more evidence for my audience research.
- Also to post the sound blogs.

Blogging Health Check 2 - Khairna Boulyn

To improve...
  • I will do a full four hours of blogging a week
  • Organise my blogposts
  • Keep up with tasks 

Blogging health check 2

In order to improve I will be doing 4 hours of blogging and be completing both task 12 and 16 this week.

Sunday 8 November 2015

The pitch - Task 3 by Khain

The pitch - Task 2 by Khain

The Pitch(Task One)-Adriana Da Silva

                                                       The Briefcase
money cash hail caesar briefcase
The title we have chosen is "The brief case"
The film is about an  everyday banker who begins to have creepy phone calls, small noted threatening messages left on his window shield,graffiti on his car. Each message and threat is worst than the last, all slowly waiting to reveal the true intentions of this psychopath...the chip. By terrorizing the banker he managed to have him hand over the chip, a chip containing all of the names and evidence of the most powerful leaders involved in mass and hit list murder that could destroy them and tear apart their fortune. The chip alone is a fortune to anyone who it belongs to,but all the banker knew was that it contained valuable information not knowing how valuable it was. 
face creepy blood scream ghost
Outline of the opening sequence
The opening sequence will have a range of shots of the "undercroft" which is a storage room. The protagonist comes across a piece of paper with the location of the undercroft. Knowing what extreme lengths this psychopath is willing to go through he decides to hand over the chip.  The banker walks in and receives a phone call instructing him to kick the briefcase forward. We see the protagonist become agitated and leaves quickly,we later learn that it was because he did not take the chip. Then a blackout occurs,we hear the banker's muffled screams and the sound of a struggle. Then all goes silent. After that we hear something being dragged across the floor,the last shot is of the bankers body at the bottom of the stairs.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Task 31

Final idea: Briefcase (working name)

Short treatment
A psychopath asks an everyday banker for a bank loan but when denied for due to his bad credit, he murders the banker. The opening shows the banker and how they were injured


 Just a person acting as a dead body.

The City and Islington Forensic lab

Sound ideas
Underwater noises
Explosion affect noise

30 (c)

Film Idea:

Key Props:
A Torch
Surgical gloves
Fake blood

The kitchen floor of a friends house in Islington.
The bathroom floor of a friends house in Islington.
The local park in Islington.
The car parking of a block of flats in Islington.

The kitchen floor of a friends house in Islington.
The bathroom floor of a friends house in Islington.
The local park in Islington.
The car parking of a block of flats in Islington.
The person will have slightly torn bloodied clothing.

Unnatural dark to no Lighting in the Kitchen scene.
Natural bright sunlight in the kitchen.
Natural dim lighting in the car park scene.