Sunday 1 November 2015


Creating soundscape- Terminology Activity

Sound Term                                               Meaning/Definition                                                             

Ambient -Background sounds which are present in the scene or in the location.
Diegetic- Voices by characters and sounds by objects.
Non-Diegetic-Narrators commentary, Mood music, Sounds added for dramatic effect.
Score-Original music written specifically to accompany the film.
Song-Music which is playing in the movie.
Voice Over- Speaking over but you can not see them.
Dialogue-Someone speaking.
Foley-Reproduction of everyday sound to enhance the sound.
Synchronous- Sounds which are matched to certain movements. Footsteps corresponding walking.
Asynchronous- Sounds which are included to provide emotional nuance adding to the realism.
Sound Bridge- Scene begins with a carry over sound from previous scene.
Sound Motif-Sound which is associated with character or place.

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