Monday 9 November 2015

The pitch - Institutional detail (task 5) By Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood Institutional Detail

-Will your film be a mainstream or independent production?
The film will be a mainstream production as it comes under the traditional category of a thriller  genre, where there's a psycho path who is  on the look for revenge by killing and torturing its enemy.

-Who will distribute your film?
The company which we are assigned with will be distributing our film.

-What other distribution companies is yours similar to?
Other companies which are similar to ours are the ones which distribute in the thriller categories.

-Name some films  they have distributed that are like  yours ( if you were to make a full feature)  and indicate how this makes your company a good choice.
New Line Cinema: New Line Cinema is a distributer like mine and the types of films that the New Line Cinema has released are films such as The Butterfly Effect and the film Se7en. These  films are similar to my production as they meet the psychological thriller and fit into that categories genre of meeting the needs of what is traditionally expected. This makes my company a good  choice as it's amore developed version of the usual distributor for  example my company distributes films which don't give away too much at first, it makes you mysterious and wondrous to what the audience will expect to see. For example  our film will start off in a everyday situation and usually thriller movies give away the feel of thriller from the start which means they will have to  keep building up more. Whereas our movie builds up slowly and brings in the audience to realize that they are no longer watching a film which they thought was based on a everyday situation.

-How would  the ownership affect the type of  titles and credits you have?
The ownership will affect the types of titles and credits that we have by deciding which category the titles will be based on for example they will have a thriller theme and will be in the colours associated with thriller. Also the names and in title sequence will be associated with credits who are known for the release of successful  thriller movies.

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