Sunday 8 November 2015

The Pitch(Task One)-Adriana Da Silva

                                                       The Briefcase
money cash hail caesar briefcase
The title we have chosen is "The brief case"
The film is about an  everyday banker who begins to have creepy phone calls, small noted threatening messages left on his window shield,graffiti on his car. Each message and threat is worst than the last, all slowly waiting to reveal the true intentions of this psychopath...the chip. By terrorizing the banker he managed to have him hand over the chip, a chip containing all of the names and evidence of the most powerful leaders involved in mass and hit list murder that could destroy them and tear apart their fortune. The chip alone is a fortune to anyone who it belongs to,but all the banker knew was that it contained valuable information not knowing how valuable it was. 
face creepy blood scream ghost
Outline of the opening sequence
The opening sequence will have a range of shots of the "undercroft" which is a storage room. The protagonist comes across a piece of paper with the location of the undercroft. Knowing what extreme lengths this psychopath is willing to go through he decides to hand over the chip.  The banker walks in and receives a phone call instructing him to kick the briefcase forward. We see the protagonist become agitated and leaves quickly,we later learn that it was because he did not take the chip. Then a blackout occurs,we hear the banker's muffled screams and the sound of a struggle. Then all goes silent. After that we hear something being dragged across the floor,the last shot is of the bankers body at the bottom of the stairs.

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