Wednesday 4 November 2015

Task 27 (audience profile)

Who is my target audience?

Task 1:
Which genres were the most popular with UK audiences and my own audience research?
Animation, Action and Comedy were the most popular genres

Which genre would I like to work in?
The Horror genre

Which audiences prefer this genre - age,gender, class and geographical location?
Male and female
Working class or DE social groups

What else do I know about this group of people and what do they want to see in a film?
Feelings of suspense
An amaze factor in a villain (Freddy Kruger,Frankenstein etc.)
The terror factor for example suspense, jump scenes, scene induced panic etc.
The conventional good versus evil theme

What might I have in my film that will attract or appeal to them?
Some form of suspense which makes the audience hold their breath
The terror factor so a jump scene or panic moment

Who could my target or core audience be based on this research? age, gender, class, ethnicity, region and lifestyle choices?
16-24 year old teenagers and young adults
Male and female
Any ethnicity
Apprentices or students

Who could my wider audience be? How do I know this?
25-34 year old working adults
I know this from checking the BFI statistical yearbook and it says that in the 25-34 year old age category World War z was quite a popular film having an above average audience in this age range and World War z is a apocalyptic horror film.

Task 2:
The conjuring

Results for this film were very much unexpected as i did not expect the 40 - 54 ages range to be common amongst the audience of this film. However i did foresee the profile member to have a funny personality regardless of age and that they would be quite modern in terms of using social media and where they shopped regularly.

Paranormal activity (GIF of screenshots)
Results for this horror film were more in the expected age range and results for this movie as whole were expected. A relatively young adult in the working class who is fun and easygoing and enjoys using social media.

Task 3:
Name - Dave
Where they live - London
Age - 26
Class - Working class
Occupation - Entertainment 
Personality type - Funny, sweet, youthful and easygoing
Hobbies & interests - Writing/Studying and playing video games
Brands the consume - Sony, Apple, Asos and Zara
Media they consume - Facebook,Twitter and Instagram

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