Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Pitch-Risk assessment (Task 13) Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood Risk Assessment

Identify any risks that you  may come across when  filming at, and travelling to your locations with some possible solutions to prevent the risks.

- On the way to the location the camera can slip out of the hand and smash on to the ground. In order to prevent the camera from slipping out of the hand, the person who is holding the camera will need to hold it with a tight grip. This will be need to be done through out the whole process of holding the camera. The risk of this is very high(5).

- Also it would be more secure for the safety of the camera if the person holding the camera is not holding more than one thing in their hand other than the camera only, otherwise there is a very high risk of the camera slipping out of the hand and smashing causing the camera to break. The likely hood of this incident is (5).

- On the way to the location there is a likely hood of being a rush in the hallway and in the staircase. There will be many people crowding arround the camera which could cause the camera to drop and break. The likely hood of this is (4). In order to prevent this incident from occuring the camera crew will have to travel with the camera through the hallway and staircases only when all the students are in lesson, or when there is not a rush hour.

-  Whilst recording the person recording needs to make sure to keep distance from by passers otherwise the people passing by are likely (3), to bump into the camera person who is filming, this will cause the person filming to injure their head onto the camera and hurt their eye or face. In order to prevent this from happening, the person filming should keep their distance (2 feet) away from everyone else around them. This will decrease the likely hood of the person filming to make any body contact with people around.

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