Monday 9 November 2015

post 24 Aysha Mahmood

Individual idea / outline for a title sequence- Say which genre you will create / initial plot or story line ideas/ key character 'types'/ social groups that you might introduce.

For my own title sequence idea I would choose in creating a title sequence with the genre of 'High school' this is because there's a larger audience that can relate with high school for example teenagers themselves and the wider audiences which of those who were once teenagers, and would enjoy watching something that takes them back to their childhood, as they begin to develop memories through out the movie. Also high school movies are generally fun and exciting to watch as they consist of the stereotypical nature for example; the football team the cheerleaders the nerds and those who are seen as 'neutral' ,who don't ft into any specific category. It will be a good idea for me to do a high school movie title sequence as the audience will expect certain features from the movie. This makes it easier for me because I straight away know what the audience expects from the movie. Features which consist of the stereotypical characters (the nerds, football players,the cheerleaders, the bullies and the unpopular ones).

The initial plot-  
The initial plot will be a high school with all the different types of groups that a stereotypical high school movie always consists of. The movie will be about a girl who is trying to figure out which group she belongs in because she feels left out and distanced from everyone else, she is new to the high school and wants to know who to make friends with but she's confused so she goes through all of the different types of groups to see which suits her the best.
The title sequence will start off with the main character (the girl new to the high school) walking into the entrance of the high school whilst holding her books and a backpack. She walks in looking a little nervous but is still brave enough to take a deep breath preparing herself for what is yet to come ( the selection of which group suits her the best). She then walks through the hallway and as she is walking through the hallway the titles are showing up on the screen and on each side of her a different group is shown, for example the main character is still walking and on her left is the cheerleader squad and to her right are the nerds, as she walks along the football team is shown and then the unpopular ones. Then she reaches her destination which is the classroom and the teacher tells the main character to stand up and face the class as she introduces her to the various groups. Then as the character is about to tell the class about herself, the title sequence finishes and the movie carries on.

Key character types-
The key character types are the Cheerleaders, the nerds, the football players and the unpopular ones.
First the main character, she will go to the cheerleader squad and realise she doesn't fit in with them because they're too outgoing and excited all the time and judgemental. She then goes to the football team and doesn't work out with them because they're too rough. This process goes on through all the groups until she finds the ones who she fits in with.

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