Saturday 31 October 2015

Task 13

Analysation of three title sequences for my chosen genre: Horror

The order of the title credits:
The MACRO and MICRO elements:

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Task 26

Who is your target audience?

One friend liked my initial crime idea because it was relatable to them being realistic and being set in London aswell which is where they live. Also that the idea was based round a drugs scenario appealed to them because drugs are sadly a major part of the underground of London. Despite this most said they preferred our groups main idea of a sort of horror genre opening sequence where a character wakes up in a room and is confused and it's very dark and yo only see certain objects (this is all in first person). They like this idea because they said it's kind of abstract and they haven't seen or heard that idea anywhere else and are interested to see how it looks as a finished product.

Friday 30 October 2015


Why is sound so important in a film?

  • What is sound? Something you can hear
  • What is a sounds scape? The overall sound ( all of the noises)
  • What is ' suspending disbelief '? Creating realism and making it realistic as well as reality based

Task 1-The unity of image and sound- sound is 50%
screening 1- Without sound.How did you feel when watching the sequence-  bored, entertained,informed,interest?

-city location (Newyork)
-introduced main character
-only seeing location however doesn't trigger any mood
-visually stimulated  however lacking hearing 
-don't want to watch rest
-no emotional response

screening 2- with sound.How did you feel when watching the sequence-  bored, entertained,informed,interest?

- dragged in and intrigued 
-city sound, city place
- foreshadowing the train sound therefore giving a sense of deeper location of the movie
- All of a sudden music is introduced and accelerates heartbeat
- interested
-layered soundscape

-What difference does sound make?
Sound engages the audience even more as they're not only visually dragged in but also their hearing senses are triggered which makes them feel even more involved in the movie.

-Describe the impact the use of sound has on your enjoyment and engagement with the sequence.
Makes the audience feel interested and introduces the audience to the genre of the movie and prepares the audience for what they might expect.
Task 2- The importance of films in identifying genres 
We are going to listen to the sountracks for a number of different title sequences.From just the soundscape, try to identify which genre the film is. For a bonus point, try to name the film.

Clip                          Genre                                        Film Name                           
Example 1               Cowboy Western                A fist full of dollars
Example 2               Science Fiction                   Gravity
Example 3               Action                                 Fast and furious
Example                  Teen Movie                        Legally Blonde

Task 24

My individual idea initially was for the crime genre where a teenager who is living on the streets is picked up by a gang leader who pities him and he brings him into the UK underground drugs scene.

Task 11

BFI statistics: Genre and audience reasearch


Summarise your findings of the genre conventions in film openings from your chosen genre-

The title sequence of insidious  starts off with  a screeching sound and then a sudden hit of a drum type of sound. Followed by more screeching sounds which accelerate in speed and fasten the pace of the heartbeat and make the audience feel as though something frightening and unexpected is yet to come.

  • Echoing thuds ( jump scares)
  • A slow creeping up sound with a sudden loud bang
  • Screaming sounds
  • Uncoordinated Piano sounds
  • Thuds
  • Screeching
  • Worrying sound tone
  • Increasing tone getting louder
  •  Sudden sounds
  • Uneasy feeling

Task 12

What's an audience?
An audience is an individual or group of people who are viewing or reading what you have produced.

What is a target audience and how can you define it?

Target audience is the type of audience which you are aiming to interest and have as your audience to view your media.
You can define a target audience in a variety of ways for example;
- Where they are located
- Their age range
- Their sex
- Their general interests
- Could also consider their proffesion and relationships etc.

Why are target audiences important?
Target audiences are important because audiences create media also as the media market becomes more and more competitive mass audiences become increasingly important. Furthermore all types of media made for the soul reason of benefitting the person watching therefore the audience. Once you have chosen your target audience you can  then fine tune your media (for example our film) to cater for that specific target audience.

Which audiences are appealed to by what genre:

Combing results from this survey and my general knowledge of friends and family preferences i have these conclusions.

The comedy genre generally appeals to all ages depending on the type of comedy whether it be, satire, stand up, morbid etc.This genre appeals to my age group (15-24) because being a teenage you want to have fun and they just want to have a laugh,it's as simple as that. There is no specific gender usually, a certain sex may be targeted  so the other sex may find them jokes appealing, locations are however commonly targeted like for example the British target America frequently when making jokes.

The action genre usually appeals to the younger generation such ranging in ages from 12 to 25 but can also target much maturer audiences. Action also usually appeals to the male audience due to all the conventions such as the violence and explosions but nevertheless can appeal to female audiences. Appealing to female audiences in the action genre is usually done by either having a female protagonist, having strong female characters as main characters or portraying female power in some way.

Rom-com (Romantic comedy): 
The Romantic Comedy genre generally aims for the young to mature female adult target audience with ages ranging from 12 to 18 modernly because films of this genre nowadays are less serious and more relaxed which is was interests the younger generation, however some Romantic comedy films do target mature audiences using adult jokes and situations to attract them.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Task 27

Audience Profile

Taken movie audience profile
I expected the age range for Taken to be from 15-35 instead it is 40-54 however I did expect to see an average male with a funny easy going personality which is shown.

Babadook audience profile
Again I expected the age range to begin from age 15 but the age range fits quite well despite my expectation. I also did not expect the lifestyle and general interests to be fairly sophisticated.

Name: Marcus
Location:Central London
Media consumed:Instagram,snapchat,whatsapp and facebook
Hobbies/interests: Football,music,spending time with friends
Brands consumed: Adidas,Nike,
Personality description: Calm,respected,funny,easy to get along with,open character 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Post 26

Target Audience Feedback: Preferable Ideas.

After interviewing members of my Target Audience, I found that they have split opinions in terms of the decision for the best narrative idea for my groups film. Half of the audience enjoyed my idea as it is an unfortunate relatable narrative to many youths across London. The feedback also pointed out the fact that a female character would take the main role which will challenge usual stereotypes of appointed main roles. However, another half were intrigued to have a different approach where the main idea consists of a confused character who wakes up in a in an abandoned room, where the reason behind this is shown through flashbacks and and objects. They like this idea because they said it was abstract and they would be interested to see how it looks as a finished product.

Task 25

Sunday 18 October 2015


Analyse 3 title sequences of your chosen genre and for each, post your findings of the following:
a- The MACRO elements ( story lines, key themes, plots, characters and social group )
b- The MICRO elements ( typical uses of camera , editing, sound and mise-en-scene)
c- The order of the title credits

Ginger Snaps:
Storyline- Introduces brutal deaths of young girls who are murdered in brutal mysterious ways.
Key Theme- Horror and Mystery
Characters- Young females

- Camera shaking and this indicates fear and terror as well as an introduction into a unstable environment which the audience will be introduced to shortly
- Taking snaps of the main characters and zooming into them to show their importance
- Fast pace accelerating the audiences thoughts and images which they receive in their minds
- Tilted angles showing that there's something unstable in the environment
-Close up shots emphasising the brutality that has taken place

- Continuous cuts showing different faces and scenes and places
- Accelerating speed which speeds up the audiences thoughts and also a very slow pace which slows down and shows the title credits
- Special effects which change from a vintage to a black and white and very high contrast effect (generally used in horror and mystery genres)

-Location placed at a suburb to create an everyday normal neighbourhood
-Customs mainly dresses as the main characters shown are all of a young teenager girl age
- Make-up which is red, bloody, blue and purple to emphasise the bruises and scarrs
-Props(tables,cups,bed,car,bathtub,pitchfork,knife,rope and bag,lawnmower and tablets
-Lighting, vintage and red lighting

-Sad music in the introduction mixed with girls screaming, foreshadowing the events which are yet to be shown
- Changing into a scary, worrying, screeching and screaming sound as well as introducing the sound of the video shown as well as musical score
-snapshot sounds of when the picture is taken of the main characters and title credits


American Horror Movie:
Storyline- Experiments which are being done on babies and historical pictures of young children
Key theme- Horror
Characters- Babies

-Camera blinking
-Fast pace
-Low angle shots
-Showing bits and clues not giving away the whole story or location which leaves the audience to want to carry on watching to gain more knowledge about it

-Cuts; Loads of cuts at a fast speed showing different faces and different places introducing the audience to the environment
-Special effects: Dark vintage effects, slow motion dress falling, title sequence in a burning style fading in and out

Location- The opening scene of this particular title sequence doesn't give away much geographical information away. This makes the audience wonder and make up their own assumptions to where it might be, this makes them more intrigued. However the opening scene does give the audience some clues about the indoors environment.
Setting- Inside a building and home based and basement as well as what seems to be an underground hidden environment
Customs- Old fashioned customs which seem to be of the early 19th century
Props- Skeletons, Baby's in Jars, Pictures of babies, tables, tools, bodies, knife

- Musical score
-Thump sounds
-Sudden banging sounds
- Loud sounds
-Building up to something type of tone
-Sudden silence

-Dylan McDermott
-Connie Britton
Evan Peters
-Taissa Farming with Denis O  Hare
and Jessica Lange
-Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk
-American Horror Story

The Grudge:
Storyline- Gives audience a sense of death of a mother and a child and a haunting mystery behind it
Key Themes- Horror
Characters- A mother and a son
Social groups- Middle class family

-Camera tilted when showing the house and this indicates that something is wrong with the house and that it holds some haunted history which the audience is looking forward to find out about

- slow effects of one scene to the other
- blurred
-light coming out of a very dark background
- darkness everywhere

-Location is not a clear indication
-Setting is at a haunted house somewhere in the middle of nowhere
- Makeup is pale and very white to emphasise the death
-lighting is vintage and dark

-Getting louder
-Accelerating sound increasing the heart rate of the audience to become frightened
- The tone is of which makes the audience feel like they are being taken on a journey (the mystery of where the bodies are)

-Columbia pictures presents: Ghost house pictures production
-Sarah Michelle Geller
-Jason Behr
-William Mapother
-Clea Duvall
-Yaya Ozeki Takko Fuji
-Casting by Nancy Nayor Kelly Wagre
-Music by Christopher Young
-Editing by Jeff Betancourt
-Custom design by Miyuki Taniguchi, Shawnholly Cookson
-Production designer by Iwao Salto
-Cinemography by Hideo Yamamaisto
-Produced by Doug Davison, Joseph Drake
-Directed by Takashi Zimizu

12 (c)

What Is A Target Audience?
What is an audience?
An audience in terms of media, are  a group of people that are watching something or listening or seeing something that is aimed towards them

How do we define target audience?
We define target audience by specifying the main objective that is aimed at that audience specifically.

Why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?
It is useful for a film to have a target audience as it helps them set the film to a specific age or gender that can make it easier for them to appeal to certain audiences and advertise it to that audience directly. This will help them gain the interest of a direct audience as well as make a lot of money in the process.

Which audiences do you think different genres appeal to? Think about age, gender, location, location profession, interest ect.
Different genres appeal to different audiences and this is because they are more relateble to certain audiences as well as more advertised towards those specific audiences. For example romance-comedy appeals to couples, romance for the female and comedy for the male. Whereas just romance on its own is more likely to appeal just to females whereas, comedy just to males. Musical genres are more likely to appeal to the older generation ranging from ages 50-54 and above, whereas animation appeals more to ages 34-44.

Task 2- Researching target audiences
However, just thinking about the target audience might not be enough to accurately identify it. You are going to conduct a survey and interview people about their favourite films and genres in order to develop and clearer idea of audience tastes and preferences.

Part A- Surveys


Genre and Audience research:
Genre chapter 4
1-Which 3 genres were most successful at the UK box office?

Animation(21.4%), Action (18.7%) and Comedy(13.7%)

2- Which 3 genres were least popular or successful at UK box office?                           
War (0.1%), Documentary(0.9%) and Romance(1.2%)

3- Which film genre had the most films released in 2013-14 ( not the most successful but the biggest number of films made?).

4- How many films in this genre were made in 2013-14?                                                                     

5-How many animated films were made?                                                                                              

6-How many action films were made?                                                                                                   
7-What does this information about genre tell you about:                                                                    
Film production?
This information tells us that comedy was the most popular, action was second popular and animation was the least. Also that the majority of films that are made and produced are Comedy films, this constant film production resulted in having the highest audience (Comedy).

Film audiences?
The information tells us that the majority of audiences with the largest number were more towards comedy movies whereas the least were towards animation. This shows that Comedy movies were better advertised and appealing to a wider range of people.

Audiences- Chapter 15
1- Which age group made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK?                          
    The age group that made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions was the ages ranging from 15-24.

2-Which Comedy was most successful with this age group?                                                              
Wreck It Ralph was the most successful Comedy movie with this age group.                            

3-Which film was popular for over 50's? What genre is this film?                                                   
Sunshine On Lieth was the most popular film for audiences who were 50+ and the genre of this film is Musical.

4-Which genres were most popular with men?                                                                                   
Thriller, Action and Comedy were the most popular genres for men.

5-Which genres were most popular with women?                                                                               
Women had a broader range of genres which ranged from the most popular; One direction:This Is Us, About Time and Frozen which had the highest appeal.

6-UK films appealed most to which audience type?                                                                           
In 2013 UK films appealed most to the female audience type whereas in 2012 the majority of UK films appealed to the male audience.

7-Which 3 films were most popular with the 7-14 age group? What does this tell us about their     preferred genre?     
One direction: This Is Us (49% of total audience), Wreck It Ralph (35% of total audience) and Despicable Me (35% of total audience). This tells us that children who are from the age of seven to fourteen prefer to watch animated movie genres as well as famous boy band type of genres, as those are the most appealing genres to them.

8-Which 3 films most popular with the 35-44 age group were Frozen, The Croods and Jack and the Giant Slayer. Why might this be and how does this contribute to animation being the most successful genre at the box office?
This could be because most of the audience between the ages of 35-44 have children therefore it increases the age range of 35-44. Or it could be because the audience which is ranging from the ages 35-44 enjoy watching animation was it might remind them of their childhood and bring back childhood movie memories which the majority of consisted of animation movies.

9-Which 3 films were most popular with the 25-34 age group?                                                      
Django, Fast And Furious 6 as well as Rush                                                                          

10- Which films were most popular with middle class audiences (C1 and C2)?                                 
C1: Rush, Captain Phillips and Gravity                                                                                  
C2: Oz The Great And Powerful, Fast And Furious 6, Despicable Me                                 

11-Look at the tables for popular films in London and Scotland. What differences are there and what conclusions can you make about the types of films they appear to prefer?
         Sunshine On Lieth (Musical)
        Filth (Musical)                     
                             Star Trek Into Darkness (Science Fiction)

  Django (Action)             
       Fast And Furious 6(Action)
                  Gravity(Science Fiction)                 

The differences within these movies are that the ones watched in Scotland mostly consist of are Musicals.Whereas the ones from London consist of Action. What I conclude from this is that majority of the popular films watched in Scotland were from a older age whereas the popular movies which were watched in London were of a younger age ranging from 15-24.

prelim video evaluation on weebly link


Genre is the category that a movie fits into, for example horror, comedy, thriller, romance movies. 
Genre helps the audience establish what they want to watch, it gives them a range of categories to choose from. Genre is also a way to help producers in their marketing, for example "Best romance of the year this valentines", this will make the audience feel like they need to watch it because they're in the season of romance. Setting a genre also gives the audience a chance to mentally prepare themselves to expect certain features within the genre, this will make them test the boundaries of the movie. Genres also help audiences develop their own personal favorite tastes that they are more attracted to and will more likely watch than any other genre. 
Different types of genres commonly used in movies: 
Sub Genres: A sub genre is a genre within a genre.  A category that is a subdivision of a larger genre for example mean girls:  
Hybrid genre: Two genres which are combined together for example the most common hybrid genre is a combination is romance and comedy. Romance combined with comedy was originally a way to get couples to go on movie dates as the romance side of the movie related to the female and the comedy side of the movie appealed to the male.  
Codes and Conventions : Codes and conventions are the things which are typically expected from each genre for example horror movies are expected to start of with a low angle camera showing the front of the house, or dark and gloomy opening scenes which scary music in the background. 
Image result for amityville horror houseImage 
There are many different genres and they are all represented in different ways as they all bring a unique reaction from the audience. Comedy movies make you laugh, scary movies make you frightened whereas action movies make you excited and pumped up, ready to see the next person get flipped over in a cat. I have three personal preferences of my main three favorite genres which I enjoy watching. 
The conventions of this particular genre which I mostly like are that comedy movies are generally set in a bright or colorful setting, a place that is seemed to be very sociable and surrounded by natural light which makes it seem like an every thing. I like that the characters are all filmed from an angle where no each character is shown as more powerful, they're all shown as equal and this makes it more enjoyable for me to watch because it makes me relate to it more. There's always humor and two or more characters are funny. I also enjoy the sarcasm and the mockery they make out of other movies. Also that there's always one character who is shown as 'dumb' who usually messes things up but in the end unexpectedly fixes everything back together. 
Image result for funny movies22 jump street is one typical example of a comedy movie which has one very clever character and then the other character who isn't very intelligent and is shown as goofy. However in the end the two characters make a compatible contrast and the movie shows that even though they're both opposites, they cant do good without each other. 
one other example of my favorite comedy movie is 'Scary Movie' which is made by the Wayans brothers. Scary movie is a comedy movie which is made up by a reaction of many other movies, but is acted out in a sarcastic and funnier version which mocks the movies which they are reenacting. Scary movie also uses a hybrid-genre which is comedy-thriller. 
 Gang Related 
The conventions of this genre which i most like are that they're commonly based on real life stories, and this makes me more interested, intrigued and relatable to as I feel that the movie is something which is reflecting real life scenarios. I also like that gang related movies have middle ages men who are mainly always finding ways of getting more money by selling drugs or killing, this makes me interested to image situations like these actually take place on a daily basis. 
One of my favorite gang inflicted movies is Al Pacino Scarface. Al Pacino is my favorite actor in the terms of Gang related movies. 
Action movies always involve fast cars and weapons, fast cars and weapons are my favorite conventions in this genre as well as massive dramatic explosions which get my heart racing. 
My all time favorite action movie is Fast and Furious. Fast and furious has to top all action movies for me because of its emphasis on amazing fast cars and the creativity which they have with the cars are beyond imagination. For example skydiving off an airplane in a car that just had to top it off. 