Wednesday 14 October 2015

Task 9

Task 9:
Their are four main types of title sequence categories, these are:
- Titles on a blank screen
Most common type of title,their can be various fonts used on a black background or black writing on a white background(high contrast).
-Titles on still images
These are slightly more interesting than on blank screen, historically used to include hand drawn borders. Used to hint tone and genre.
-Titles over moving images
Had sound or music in the background usually, could either offer a narrative thread or a metaphor introducing the tone  or story line.
-Titles using animation or motion
In the 1990's animated text was integrated with moving images  and became popular, in it's beginning it required a lot of technology and editing.

My favorite title sequence is the one from The girl with the dragon tattoo because it's so abstract yet so eye-catching. The ink covering the man and was a really clever metaphorical way of hinting at how the tattoo and the events  after. Furthermore the fact that there was just a man and woman moving in the title sequence implies that  there will be some sort of conflict  between  male and female characters.

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