Sunday 4 October 2015

Task 6: Analyse 2 film title sequences

To Kill A Mocking Bird Title sequence analysed:
An image of the Universal International,and person in charge of the production comes up "Edward Muhil". Whilst this is shown music in the background of a piano being played continues up until a box is shown and the girl begins to hum.
Once all the objects are seen clearly the name "Gregory Peck" is shown across the screen. Once the camera zooms into the objects ,writing across the screen continues spelling out "Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird".
The first 21 seconds introduces us to a young girl opening a box contained with different objects such as crayons,a pocket watch and marbles. The child's
face is never shown but can hear the child humming constantly and repeating the word "boom". All the shots in this opening sequence are close ups,once each shot is finished we move onto the next one,the shots are combined into one but the previous shot fades out and the next shot fades in.
 When the camera has a close up of  the stopwatch,all sounds stops except the sound of the stopwatch ticking,suggesting the stopwatch is important or time is of significance furthermore two names comes up across the screen displaying " with John Mega , Frank Overton". Each time a camera pans over different sets of objects in the box different names are shown across the screen and different music occurs in the background. When two marbles bump into each other the child says "ding" and music in the background increases,the music chosen sounds magical,a little mystical which could link to a child's imagination being just as magical and mystical. Every time an object is shown the background is blurred possibly meaning the background should not be revealed to indicated where she may be but yes the importance of her objects. Towards the end the ticking sound of the pocket watch because a little more intense,but vanishes once the child rips her drawing of a bird flying to play with,this conveys an image of the child's innocence just wanting all the time in the world to play. At end the camera pans over a tree,full of leaves leaving no indication of the location.

Conjuring title sequence analysis:
The first 3 seconds is of a picture of a family who is introduced on the screen as ,"The Perron family",as sinister music plays in the background. 
Next the Warren family is introduced,with sinister music in the background too,between each shot the previous s   hot fades out,leaving the screen blank. After the two families are introduced a house in the dark appearing with "directed by James Swan",at this point the volume of music increases. Next a close up of a newspaper has "ghost-hunter gives second lecture here" in bigger font compared to the rest of the text. 
                                                                                                     A close up of another newspaper article titled"ritualistic sacrifices plague small town" with an image of 7 people dressed in black with capes(a costume) similar to the KKK's. As the title sequence goes on many more newspaper articles are introduced with more creep headlines about hauntings. In the first 1.22 seconds , a shot of a cemetery comes up and in combination with the music church bells start ringing. Another set of bells rings on the article "malevolent spirit torments home". A sinister looking doll pops up on the screen very quickly,with her eyes staring with an evil smile. The title sequence ends with a house,further back,shadowed by tall tress and a rope with a loop hanging from a tree and the music
ends with an echo.

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