Sunday 18 October 2015


How can a film opening attract an audience? 
Film openings are known to give away hints to the audience about events which will take place later on in the movie. The opening is like an arousal for the audience and a time of seduction to be lured into the start of the movie so that they start believing the rest of the movie is also amazing and interesting. The film opening gives away hints that makes it tempting for the audience that something bigger is going to happen, this makes them intrigued and instantly interested. If a film opening is too interesting and gives away all the hints of the movie in the start, then the producers will be have to be held accountable as they will have to answer the question through out the rest of the movie because of the build up in the film opening. If a film opening is too good at the start, it will have to keep getting better through out the whole movie till the end, this is hard to achieve therefore directors prefer not to make film openings too good. Whereas if the film opening is balanced and subtle, gives away a few clues and leaves the rest for the audience to figure out, then that is a good film opening as there's a lot left to build up to. Film openings also attract the audience by letting them know if the movie is going in a good direction or a bad direction, this can be done by the music in the background or the opening scene itself. 

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