Sunday 11 October 2015

Task 21

The Breakfast Club Evaluation
We chose to remake The Breakfast Club because we all agreed it was easier to complete. The Breakfast Club has a variety of shots and they were all fairly short. Fortunately we were able to film all the shots within college as everything was accessible. 

As a group we didn't use much props apart from the following:

  • Chairs(car seat)
  • A bag
  • Cardboard(I'm eating my head piece of wood)
Our editing process took longer and was a little more difficult than the filming process. We watching the opening again to ensure we knew what titles were going to be used,what type of font was similar and the color/size used on the titles. The common difficulty we experienced was keeping the color of the titles exactly the same as the others we created. 

If we were to complete the task again I would spend most of my time editing to ensure even the smallest details were accurate. 

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