Sunday 11 October 2015

Task 13


Micro Analysis on Sound:

  • Music starts off a little sinister and scary
  • Volume of music becomes louder then back to being quiet and calm this continues through out the title sequence with the music pace slowing down or increasing
  • Indicates it's a child's movie with children's voices used for singing
  • In the end of the title sequence the music ends with a calm tone which suggests the movie itself could have happy,joyful moments with dark,scary scenes between them

Micro Analysis on Camera:

  • Panning is used first when the doll comes floating through the window and is placed on a table
  • Close up is next of the doll's clothing being cut 
  • Extreme close up of the doll's hair being taken off
  • Continuation of extreme close up of the doll's face,buttoned eyes being taken off
  • Extreme close up of the doll's mouth being cut open with the stuffing being revealed
  • Medium close up of the stuffing being pulled out of the doll's mouth
  • Low angle shot of 3 pieces of stuffing fall onto the ground
  • Close up of the now bare doll hanging upside down,held by very thin,long metallic fingers
  • Panning of sand falling from the bucket into the dolls wide open mouth,each moment becoming stuffed
  • Medium close up of the doll laying on the table surrounded by tools
  • Close up of a skeleton,metallic hands placing a piece of thread in the needles eye
  • Extreme close up of the doll's mouth being sewn
  • Close up of a draw full buttons being opened
  • Extreme close up of the button being sewn
  • Extreme close up of blue thread being sewn which at the end of the title sequence reveals is hair
  • Medium close up of a drawing of what looks like dresses
  • Close up of a dusty sewing machine followed by a panning to show what is being sewn
  • Ends with a close up of the doll and the dolls gradually floats away into the distance

Micro Analysis on Mise on Scene:

  • Location is in a room
  • The lighting is quite dim
  • Equipment for e.g scissors,hammers
  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Tables
  • Dusty shelves
  • Bucket with sand inside

Macro Analysis:

The key plot idea introduced in the title sequence are the dolls being sewn into the 
 real characters of the movie.The characters introduced is the Grandma's sister and Coraline the protagonist through the dolls,the Grandma is introduced first when her doll comes floating into the window and Coraline is introduced when she floats away through the window.

00:01- " Focus feature presents"
00:07-  Production company's name "Laika"
00:12- " in association with Pandemonium"
00:17- Movie's name "Coraline"
00:22- 00:44(Cast's names)
00:49- Lead Animators named "Travis Knight,Trey Thomas,Eric Leighton and Phil Dale"
00:59- Concept artist "Tadahiro Uesugi"
01:04- Art directors " Bo Henry,Tom Proost and Phil Brotherton"
01:09- Storyboard supervisor " Chris Butler"
01:21- Editors " Christopher Murrie and Ronald Sanders"
01:25- Visual effects supervisor " Brian Van't Hul"
01:34- Music by " Bruno Coulais"
01:44-  Supervising Animator "Anthony Scott"
01:55- Director of Photography "Pete Kozachik"
01:59- Produced by " Bill Mechanic and Claire Jennings"
2:10- Produced by "Henry Selick and Mary Sandell"
02:14- Based on the novel by " Neil Gaiman"

           Sherlock Holmes
Micro Analysis on Sound:

    • Non-diegetic music followed by a fast pace
    • The music uses stringed instruments,drums,pianos,banjo
    • The pace compliments the genre Sherlock Holmes consists of which is an action thriller
Micro Analysis of Camera:
  • Close up to introduce the protagonist(0:04)
  • Medium close up of the characters(0:09)
  • High angle of a woman laying down(0:12)
  • Low angle showing the protagonist and another character(0:20-0:24)
  • High angle of policemen burying a coffin(0:27)
  • Two shot of two men fighting(0:41)
  • Medium shot of a cameraman(0:46)
  • Medium long shot of protagonist's partner(0:55)
  • Medium close up of the protagonist(1:02)
  • Medium shot of title(1:05)
  • Medium shot of the partner(1:09)
  • Close up of a character(1:18)
  • Close up of another character(1:21)
  • Close up of Sherlock Holmes and his partner(1:37)
  • Medium shot of another character(1:52)
  • Wide shot(1:59)
  • Close up of Sherlock Holmes(2:03)
Micro analysis on editing:

  • Clips of the characters is shown and then frozen into a drawing
  • Scene transitions are very quick
  • Titles appear when                            the drawings appear

 Micro analysis of Mise en Scene:

  • Hats
  • Boxing arena
  • Hammer
  • Camera
  • London streets
  • Glasses
  • Cloak
  • Ties
  • Sunglasses
  • Table/table cloth
  • Dining arrangements
  • Batons
  • Bedroom
  • Pieces of wood
  • Explosions
  • Guns
Ordered title credits
  • Directors name-0:06
  • Screenplay-0:11
  • Screen story's writers-0:16
  • Producers named-0:22
  • Executive producers-0:33
  • Co-Producers-0:38
  • Director of photography-0:43
  • Production designer-0:49
  • Editor-0:52
  • Protagonist's name-1:00
  • Movie title-1:02
  • Protagonist's partner
  • Casts name -1:05-1:23
  • Casting by - 1:30
  • Music producers -1:33
  • Music by -1:33
  • Costumers designer- 1:40
  • Visual effects supervisor- 1:43
  • Movie company's name- 1:49
  • Production company's name-1:56
                               The Stepfather
Micro analysis of sound:

  • Eerie music at the start
  • Music becomes heavier when the dead bodies are shown
  • Christmas hymn in the background suggested a happily family unit 
  • When the dog barks the audience understands danger is close

Micro Analysis on Camera

  • Tracking is used when we are shown the audience
  • Low established shots of the neighborhood houses
  • Close up of the Stepfather's action when he's shaving and changing his contact lenses
  • Close up of the shaving equipment 
  • Canted angle at his side

Micro analysis of Mise-en-scene:

  • Location is the suburbs
  • Lighting is daylight but changes and becomes dull when in the bathroom
  • Gloves/facial equipment and hammer
  • Eye contacts
  • Christmas props
Micro Analysis of Editing:
  • Overall pace is slow which draws in the audience
  • Match cuts occurred when the Stepfather is at the top of the stairs and then as a shot at the bottom of the stairs showing him coming down
  • Brief flashback when there was bright light and the audience hears a girl scream
  • The editing was from perspective
Macro analysis
The key plot was the stepfather kills his family. The story line is introduced in a chronological order. The stepfather is introduced first but his family is introduced next when the family photo is shown in addition to their dead bodies when he's surveying his 'handiwork'.
The social group presented is a middle class family who are white american's that lived in the suburbs.

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