Sunday 18 October 2015


Genre is the category that a movie fits into, for example horror, comedy, thriller, romance movies. 
Genre helps the audience establish what they want to watch, it gives them a range of categories to choose from. Genre is also a way to help producers in their marketing, for example "Best romance of the year this valentines", this will make the audience feel like they need to watch it because they're in the season of romance. Setting a genre also gives the audience a chance to mentally prepare themselves to expect certain features within the genre, this will make them test the boundaries of the movie. Genres also help audiences develop their own personal favorite tastes that they are more attracted to and will more likely watch than any other genre. 
Different types of genres commonly used in movies: 
Sub Genres: A sub genre is a genre within a genre.  A category that is a subdivision of a larger genre for example mean girls:  
Hybrid genre: Two genres which are combined together for example the most common hybrid genre is a combination is romance and comedy. Romance combined with comedy was originally a way to get couples to go on movie dates as the romance side of the movie related to the female and the comedy side of the movie appealed to the male.  
Codes and Conventions : Codes and conventions are the things which are typically expected from each genre for example horror movies are expected to start of with a low angle camera showing the front of the house, or dark and gloomy opening scenes which scary music in the background. 
Image result for amityville horror houseImage 
There are many different genres and they are all represented in different ways as they all bring a unique reaction from the audience. Comedy movies make you laugh, scary movies make you frightened whereas action movies make you excited and pumped up, ready to see the next person get flipped over in a cat. I have three personal preferences of my main three favorite genres which I enjoy watching. 
The conventions of this particular genre which I mostly like are that comedy movies are generally set in a bright or colorful setting, a place that is seemed to be very sociable and surrounded by natural light which makes it seem like an every thing. I like that the characters are all filmed from an angle where no each character is shown as more powerful, they're all shown as equal and this makes it more enjoyable for me to watch because it makes me relate to it more. There's always humor and two or more characters are funny. I also enjoy the sarcasm and the mockery they make out of other movies. Also that there's always one character who is shown as 'dumb' who usually messes things up but in the end unexpectedly fixes everything back together. 
Image result for funny movies22 jump street is one typical example of a comedy movie which has one very clever character and then the other character who isn't very intelligent and is shown as goofy. However in the end the two characters make a compatible contrast and the movie shows that even though they're both opposites, they cant do good without each other. 
one other example of my favorite comedy movie is 'Scary Movie' which is made by the Wayans brothers. Scary movie is a comedy movie which is made up by a reaction of many other movies, but is acted out in a sarcastic and funnier version which mocks the movies which they are reenacting. Scary movie also uses a hybrid-genre which is comedy-thriller. 
 Gang Related 
The conventions of this genre which i most like are that they're commonly based on real life stories, and this makes me more interested, intrigued and relatable to as I feel that the movie is something which is reflecting real life scenarios. I also like that gang related movies have middle ages men who are mainly always finding ways of getting more money by selling drugs or killing, this makes me interested to image situations like these actually take place on a daily basis. 
One of my favorite gang inflicted movies is Al Pacino Scarface. Al Pacino is my favorite actor in the terms of Gang related movies. 
Action movies always involve fast cars and weapons, fast cars and weapons are my favorite conventions in this genre as well as massive dramatic explosions which get my heart racing. 
My all time favorite action movie is Fast and Furious. Fast and furious has to top all action movies for me because of its emphasis on amazing fast cars and the creativity which they have with the cars are beyond imagination. For example skydiving off an airplane in a car that just had to top it off. 

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