Thursday 1 October 2015

Post 10

Genre: A category of different types of film

Sub Genre: A genre with a genre 

Hybrid Genre: Two genre's that are combined

Codes & Conventions: The narrative, the storyline that is expected 

Genre Tropes: Features that tell the audience about the genre

Examples of 3 genre's that I like to watch


The conventions in this genre that you're most likely to identify when watching the films.

- Cars
- Drugs
- Bad characters vs Good characters

Examples of films from this genre:

- Hunger games
- Breaking dawn

(This is one film from the genre that have watched)


The conventions of genre you're most likely to see in these types of film;

- Drugs
- Money
- Weapons
- Alcohol
- Hoodrats
- Location, downtown city aka. 'hood'.

(This is one film from the genre they watched)


The conventions that you're most likely to notice in that genre is;

- Fiction characters
- Talking animals
- Bright colours
- Fiction background

Examples of film from this genre;
- Cars
- Toy Story
- Incredibles

(This one example of the cartoon genre)

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