Wednesday 14 October 2015

Task 4

Task 4:

1. What does Thomas sutcliffe mean when he says "films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. while there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible"
The audience needs to be instantly intrigued into the film, the first five minutes(the opening sequence) needs to grab attention. This is tempting because  this can basically decide whether audience will pay attention to the rest of the film or not.

2. According to Director jean Jacques Beinex, what are the risks of 'instant arousal'?
Basically saying you should take your time arousing the audience rather than rushing and speeding straight through. If you rush then you may end up setting the bar to high and hit your peak in the first five minutes.

3. Explain why " a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn't know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn't know too little"
It's so they can make their initial judgement and also makes the audience want to know more from the film.You want to get the audience on your wave length.

4.  What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening? Why does this work?
Starts with the camera facing  relatively close to the ground then it pans up towards a building going past windows then into an office to the main character(s).

5. Why is Kyle Cooper's title sequence to film seven so effective?

It's effective because  it sets the scene and he put certain things in for specific effect. Also his opening sequence felt like an essential part of the movie unlike other sequences.

6.What did Orson Welles wan to achieve with his opening to the film opening A Touch 
of Evil?What did universal studios do to it? Why?
Tried to avoid creating a cliche, he wanted to create mystery, which would show he could control the audience and the feeling they felt. Welles wanted to plunge the audience straight in without giving to much away. Welles put his own music over the Universal studios title and they didn't like t and argued with him over it for ages, he felt like they blunted his originality.

8. What is meant by "a favorite trick of film noir"? What is the trick?
 The ending of the film or some part of the ending is made to become the beginning and this is to make the audience think that nothing is as it seems. Also to Instantly arouse the audience in a so that they wanted to know more. Their were details however you would only notice on a second viewing.

Task 5: What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper?
Kyle Cooper is a world-renowned director  that mainly directs title sequences, he is widely known for his creation of the title sequence for Seven,more recently iron man,Thor, American horror story and more. Kyle Cooper thinks thatThat the title sequence should fall straight into the actual film. also that it should make you want to be there in the cinema and everything else should disappear from your mind. Your first five minutes (the title sequence) should further the plot, so giving little hints and such as to what the theme is,characters,story-line etc. Also typography is an important aspect because the font you use and its color can have a big impact on the title,it should closely link to the film and set the tone of the film too. Furthermore the typography should be integrated into the form of the background.

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