Thursday 1 October 2015

Purpose of title sequences and film openings: Task 3

What is the purpose of a title sequence and film openings?
A title sequence is the way films or television shows present their title/name of the production,the cast team members and the production. Film openings foreshadow upcoming scenes,introduces you to the genre of the movie,introduces the protagonist furthermore the sound or music sets a mood through mise en scene, by introducing the location the audience understand where the characters are in the world. 
Title sequences will all vary,take Skyfall as an example it begins with a man who probably is the protagonist drifting away through the water. The music being played is slow and calm,the credits begin soon after at 16 seconds. Sometimes the audience is able to understand what the genre is through the color's presented. In a movie that has a sub genre of a thriller,red or black could be seen in the titles. Skyfall has a combination of action,adventure and thriller,the genre thriller is hinted at 38 seconds into the opening credits when red ink spreads through the water in addition at 1:09 minutes the background becomes all dark red which suggests the hint of thriller that will appear in the movie. This type of opening scene would be called titles using motion.

On the contrary Pulp Fiction's title sequence begins immediately with a still image and all through out has an opening credit of what would be called titles on a blank screen. The music is upbeat and lively which combines with the choice of color for the titles being a vibrant yellow-orange colour contrasting the black background.

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