Sunday 11 October 2015

Task 14

H O R R O R  T H R I L L E R   C O N V E N T I O N S
horror animated GIF

In most horror thriller movies the technical conventions would have:

  •  Extreme close ups of the character's faces to show how scared they are
  • Canted angles show disorientation and contributes to the audience feeling uneasy and confused 
  • Shots from a characters point of view
Most common horror thriller conventions:
  • Music that creates tensions/suspense
  • Dim lighting
Variety of shots and angles are used. High angles make the person being looked down on feel powerless and threatened.

In most horror movies there will be 'stereotypical characters',characters who are typically seen in the horror genre for example:
  • The non-believer is the type of person who is very confident and generally convinces the others they are over reacting
  • The couple who are can't be away from each other and are typically away from their group of friends
  • The 'hero' is the type of character who is brave most of the time and many times gets away from being murdered
Soundtracks or sound effects are crucial in thriller movies as it helps the audience to react or anticipate upcoming scenes. Most sounds will be suspenseful,full of tension with a slow pace sometimes gradually speeding up.

Shot types:

  • Close ups and extreme close ups captures the detail of the characters facial expression
  • Tracking and panning shots in thriller movies are commonly used to make it seem as though the characters are being followed
  • Long shots typically show the location and perhaps how isolated the location is
  • Hand held camera shots were used in paranormal activity to instill and create a sense of reality
       Mise en scene:
eminem animated GIF
  • Blood
  • Weapons
  • Household tools
  • Creaky floorboards
  • Isolated/deserted locations
  • Masks

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