Sunday 18 October 2015


Research for title sequences and Teen drama films: 
What is the purpose of the title sequence and film opening  
The purpose of a title sequence and film opening is that it makes the audience want to keep on watching the film. It also gives the audience clues in  the start about the rest of the film, therefore it attracts the audience to wait till the end of the movie to see if their assumptions right and to wait till the end of the movie to see what the tension from the film opening was building up to. Introduces the audience to characters, producers, editors and geographical knowledge about the location at which it is taking place. Also the film opening instantly develops a genre as it gives you a tone to hear or a certain opening to see, for example a dark, gloomy opening with a piano playing will set the motion of a horror movie. The opening also sets the pace of the audiences heart, for example if its a fast opening or title sequence then the audience will have to catch up to it and it will set their pace to match the pace of the movie. 

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