Monday 5 October 2015

Post 11

                                                         BFI RESEARCH 2014


-3 genres that were most successful
at UK box office; Animation,
Action & Sci fi

- 2 genres that were least popular
or successful at UK box office; War,

- Comedy had the most films
released in 2013-14 (not the most
successful but biggest number
of films made) 

- 153 films were made in the comedy genre in 2013-14

- 33 films were made in the genre of animation were made in 2013-14

- 47 films were made in the genre of action

- This information tells us about genre in terms of film production that - Most popular films only produce a limited amount of films whilst, less popular films created a load. 

          - In terms of film audiences, the statistics adhear to the fact that it is more likely for film
          audiences to watch the limited productions as they are less available. For example, 
          there is a lot of comedy released but only a limited amount of action. Therefore action 
          would receive a larger audience intake then comedic films. 


- The largest proportion of cinema admissions                 The comedy film that was most            
came in from 15-24 year olds in the UK 2013.                  successful with the age group was
Which was also 33%                                                             Hangover III

-  The film that was the most popular in the              - The genre that was most popular with
over 50's was the 'Quartet' which was in the              the men was typically; Action, Thriller
genre of Drama and Comedy                                        and Comedy

                                             - The genre that was most popular were; 
                                              Animation, Romance and Biographical

Youth at cinema
- 3 films which were the most popular with 7- 14 
age group was ; One direction, Wreck it ralph,
Despicable me 2

- Statistics insinuate that kids of this age group also
enjoy watching documentary about their celebrities that they love follow.

- The 3 most popular films watched by the age group of 35-44 was; Frozen, The Croods, Jack and the Giant Slayer. 
(These statists clearly show that animation i popular with this age group. This is most likely because they have children or because the animated feel may bring them back emotionally in remininence of their childhood).

- The most popular films within the 25-34 age group was; Django, Fast and furious 6, Rush. 

- The films of which were popular with middle class audiences; C1 

- Action, Sci fi, Drama and C2 - Family, Comedies, Action. 

(The differences found in my research were the variety of classes and what they watched also differed as shown above)

- The 5 most popular films in scotland are; 

1.About time
2.The worlds end
3. Despicable me 2
4.Monster University
5.The Croods 

(Statistics above show that the audience in scotland favour action films more than animation).

The top 4 popular films in scotland are:

1. Django Unchained 
2. Fast and furious 6
3. Rush 
4.Captain Phillips

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