Thursday 1 October 2015

Task 2:Evaluation

 During our project our group had to think of ideas that would link our prop and scene well. Our prop was a rope and our filming was based in a takeaway restaurant.
We needed to decide with these ideas which one would be more realistic to fit into our time frame,so we chose our plot to be a teenager with an attitude,who becomes
confrontational with a police officer. We then thought the best use of our prop would be to use it as handcuffs. Whilst filming we had allocated roles as to who would be behind the camera constantly and who would appear in the short film. Having allocated roles ensured the plot was kept simple and no confusion occurred. Whilst editing we had understood who in our group had the most knowledge and experience with editing but we made sure everyone took turns to contribute to editing our short film,doings so made sure we weren't all dependent on one person. We were quite successful in showing the police officer walk through the door, by having him walk down the corridor to build up a sense of his authority and using a tracking shot to show him enter through the door,ensuring the takeaway sign was very visible too. We filmed three teenagers having a conversation sitting down but we also filmed another scene with dialogue between the police officer and the teenager,that was successful because we didn't break the 180 degree rule as we recorded the same conversation twice,each time the camera was place behind the police officer or teenager we had an over the shoulder shot.
We used shot reverse shots when the dialogue between the police officer and teenager took place,we also used match cuts when having the handcuffs placed on the teenager and having her escorted out of the takeaway restaurant.

A skill I think I was good at was the planning.We had a story board and a script so I had to make sure when I was creating the script it made sense with the story board,had all the dialogue,had written the type of shots used,overall I had to also check the story board and the ideas being contributed to make sure the script and story board was well combined. 

A skill I wasn't as strong at was the editing.Although I was able to cut the section of specific clips,place it on the time frame,combine different audios with different clips I still needed to do those effectively and within the time frame given. I focused too much on trying to make our short film perfect. 

I think the scene where the teenager is talking and is suddenly distracted from the police officer walking in worked well because it seemed genuine and a good opportunity to start mischief. A much less successful aspect was the sound in the scenes varied so we had to try and combine the audios on each scenes so that the audio wouldn't end abruptly,but we couldn't do so in every clip so sometimes the sound seemed a little inappropriate for a particular scene.

If I were to complete the project again I would make sure we fit time slots in the given time to complete our project so that nothing is rushed and no details are missed. I have learnt storyboarding is important because it was a guide to lead us to through the transitions that occurred with dialogues and it made sure we understood automatically what would happen next without wasting time,it helped us to be time efficient. The shot-lists were also essential to keep us organised and it also made us remember we needed different types of shots all of which can help us in our big production piece.

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