Friday 9 October 2015

Task 12

      Which genre does the audience prefer?
       -The audience prefers Comedy.
       What three reasons did they give for their preferences?
  • "Makes me and my friends laugh"
  • "Creates an uplifting atmosphere in the cinema or wherever you watching it"
  • " Comedy is that type of genre where I can just relax"
Do similar audience groups like the same film genres?
Yes because as shown from my two interviews they both enjoy watching films in the comedy genre.
Which film genre do you think you prefer to make and based on this research who would be your target audience?
Although neither of the people I interviewed mentioned Thriller as their preferred genre I am still inclined to choose Thriller as my genre. The target audience I would choose would be 15-25 because many of the people realistically viewing our title sequence will be within that range furthermore people in that age group enjoy watching thriller movies.
An audience is a group of people who are viewing the presented media. One could define a target audience as people whose media is specifically aimed at them for example ,horror is aimed at young adults but the producers will also aim it at teenagers because we have various ways of accessing them. Target audiences are needed because the producers know what will appeal to a certain type of group. 

Which audiences do you think different genres appeal to? 
  • 15-25 working class (Horror,Thriller,Adventure,Action)
  • 30-45(Drama,documentary and War)
  • 5-60 (Animation)

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