Friday 30 October 2015


Why is sound so important in a film?

  • What is sound? Something you can hear
  • What is a sounds scape? The overall sound ( all of the noises)
  • What is ' suspending disbelief '? Creating realism and making it realistic as well as reality based

Task 1-The unity of image and sound- sound is 50%
screening 1- Without sound.How did you feel when watching the sequence-  bored, entertained,informed,interest?

-city location (Newyork)
-introduced main character
-only seeing location however doesn't trigger any mood
-visually stimulated  however lacking hearing 
-don't want to watch rest
-no emotional response

screening 2- with sound.How did you feel when watching the sequence-  bored, entertained,informed,interest?

- dragged in and intrigued 
-city sound, city place
- foreshadowing the train sound therefore giving a sense of deeper location of the movie
- All of a sudden music is introduced and accelerates heartbeat
- interested
-layered soundscape

-What difference does sound make?
Sound engages the audience even more as they're not only visually dragged in but also their hearing senses are triggered which makes them feel even more involved in the movie.

-Describe the impact the use of sound has on your enjoyment and engagement with the sequence.
Makes the audience feel interested and introduces the audience to the genre of the movie and prepares the audience for what they might expect.
Task 2- The importance of films in identifying genres 
We are going to listen to the sountracks for a number of different title sequences.From just the soundscape, try to identify which genre the film is. For a bonus point, try to name the film.

Clip                          Genre                                        Film Name                           
Example 1               Cowboy Western                A fist full of dollars
Example 2               Science Fiction                   Gravity
Example 3               Action                                 Fast and furious
Example                  Teen Movie                        Legally Blonde

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