Sunday 4 October 2015

Task 5

What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper?
  •  Kyle Cooper is an American director and designer of film title sequences. Having directed and produced more than 150 film title sequences, this is a man with vast talent to capture and enchant us into his production. 
  • Creative director Kyle Cooper,has been allocated a role on famous title sequences such as American horror story,a television series awarded five stars on Netflix and watched by millions. A famous superhero movie with a great title sequence by Kyle Cooper is Incredible Hulk,a movie originating from a comic book but brought to life. Kyle Cooper quotes "a great title sequence sets an expectation",the title sequence in seven sets the scene by having no dialogue ,the audience grasps what is happening through the actions of the character. In an interview Kyle Cooper is recognized as someone who "single-handledly revitalized a main title sequence as an art form",he believes the title sequence should have the audience "forget about everything else",just right there in a capturing moment,building up the audience's excitement.

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