Wednesday 7 October 2015

Task 8: An analysis of my favorite film

Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows part 2 opening analysis:

  • First 16 seconds Voldemort appears with  frightening facial expression
  • A close up of Voldemort holding a wand,suggests how powerful he is
  • Voldemort strikes his wand up in the air and great source of power is created 
  • White ,light background is faded in
  • Light background fades into a dark background with grey clouds presenting the production company's name " Warner Brothers Pictures" and their logo , soundtrack begins
  • Taken through the clouds to a long shot of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry School with dark flying creatures surround the school in the air
  • Wide shot of Professor Snape dressed in black looking out an arch
  • Low angle of Professor Snape showing how powerful he is, which is reinforced when a high angle shows groups of school pupils in a square formation almost looking as if the're marching
  • Followed by a close of Professor Snape then fades out
  • Title of production is shown "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" surrounded by a dark fog
  • Close up of a grave
  • Wide shot of Harry Potter beside the grave in a deserted island with a house nearby
  • 6 characters shown,first dialogue occurs,speech drowns out the music                                                                                         

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