Sunday 4 October 2015

Task 4

How can a film opening attract an audience?

A good film opening is one which targets audiences. 
According to Director Jean Jacques Beineix, a film technique "instant arousal" is when a big moment instantly snatches the audiences attention. If done correctly the audience will remain interested for the whole movie. He explains you shouldn't rush into the beginning with a big exciting moment because it may reveal too much causing the audience to lose their interest and finding it pointless to watch the remainder of the film.
Thomas Sutcliffe says " films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. While there are many types of seduction,the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible." Thomas Sutcliffe is saying that by seducing,the audience then becomes interested in the producers work/instantly intrigued,by creating a massive moment the audience is then hooked onto the movie. But as explained by Director Jean Jacques Bieneix, a big moment might lead to the audience thinking the rest of the movie is no longer interesting. 

'Watching' Documentary questions 3-8:
Explain why "a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn't know nearly enough yet,and at the same time make sure that it doesn't know too little".

  • Beginning of the movie will establish the tone
  • Allows audience to make an early adjustment as to how they should react to the movie for example,laughing/crying
  • Creates an initial judgement through how much information is given
  • The amount of information given cannot be too little or too much
What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening?
  • Film begins with a shot of an established location
  • Moves onto a close up of a building
  • Shows a window/door
  • Inside of room
  • The room where the character is,is shown for the audience to meet them,grasp an idea of who they are
1)Shot of established location
2)Shot of the house
3)Shot of the characters
What did Orson Welles want to achieve with his opening to the film " A touch of Evil"?What did Universal studios do it it?
Orson Welles wanted to turn a cliche opening viewed by others as not cliche. He wanted to have an opening with a hint of his originality however Universal Studios covered it up.
How does the opening to the film "The Shining" create suspense?
  • The music creates an unease atmosphere and keeps the audience on edge
  • The isolating,narrow road created more tension
  • Shot of pursuing the car gave a creepy feeling
  • Driving the wrong way indicated the character was driving into danger because of when he drove into the shadows through to the tunnel.
What is meant by " a favorite trick of Film Noir"
A clever trick used for the opening was that the ending was made into the beginning. 

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